Thursday, December 17, 2009

Final swimming lesson and Albury storms

Today was Eb's final swimming lesson for 2009. She has really loved it although this week and last week she became very distressed when I disappeared to go to the bathroom. I'm not sure these days what is more important to her - her snugly or her Mummy! We'll be back next year although sadly Gina won't be her teacher. Gina was just so good with Ebony - I pray that next year will be every bit as good for her. Enjoy some photo's...

Blowing bubbles...

This one was a bit of a challenge...but she got there!

Loving it!

After swimming we went and did our final shop - all presents are bought...except I had to do some for Mum. While we were there we went to fill up with Gas and all of a sudden a terrible storm hit. Trees down - roofs of houses. I went in to see why my tank stopped filling to find that power was out (I ended up getting 65ltrs of gas for free as a result I might add!) and then returned to a hysterical little girl saying 'trees Mummy'. She had obviously been watching all the 'action' and was terrified. When we got back in the car I couldn't believe the destruction around the town. It was like a tornado had gone through (only a small one of course!). There was barely a street without damage and LOTS of cars with branches/trees down on them. It was quite amazing. Photo's, of course, don't really do it justice!

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