You know this is been the wildest, most amazingly wonderful ride of my life.
It's had the occasional dip I'll confess - but not many and not for long.
My we've come a long way.
I look back on the photo of our first moments alone - when I cried silent tears for the horrible and sad journey that had brought me to this moment AND for the 16 months and 5 days that I had missed of this precious child's life. Thank God she was in His hands ultimately.
taken BEFORE the tears flowed....
Now, my little cherub comes to me and puts a sweet, beautiful chubby hand either side of my face and plants the most spontaneous and wonderful kiss on my lips.
She comes up to me and says 'cuddwle' and then, when I pick her up, she holds on to me like there's no tomorrow.
Now she is my very best 'little' friend.
I've spent much time reflecting on what the last 18 months have held.
I just love Ebony so much. I can't possibly even imagine or contemplate life without her.
She is at, by far, the most fun stage ever.
She is so sweet - so gentle, so loving and so polite!
I am so truly blessed to have her in my life.
Many say she is blessed - I say she has filled a huge hole in my heart and she alone has put an end to the sadness and sorrow of the many years leading up to now.
I and I alone - am the luckiest one by far.