Our journey to Ebony in China, and then life with her at home in Australia.
We had such a lovely few days with Aunty Di and Renee down at their caravan at Howqua. It was cold - but still lots of fun. Eb had a ball with Renee and Di and I got a bit of a chance to catch up on our lives happenings. Here are some photo's of the fun times Eb and Renee had together.....after this we took Renee back home with us for some more fun times :)
It's just so wonderful to have this family back in the valley. I knew I missed them, but to see them talking about their story and performing various dances/items was a real blessing. I am so loving having them home - I even cried through a lot of this service as I looked to the future and saw them gone again.
We had just had a shower and Ebby started to laugh and point into the shower saying 'smiley face mummy'. When I looked in the shower this is what I saw!
How funny - tonight, for the first time, Ebony chuckled while watching 'Shrek the third'. Most people will probably think I'm strange for posting this - but it's just so funny to watch Eb actually understanding that something is funny on a TV. Never thought it would even strike me - but it has and it gave me a giggle too!
Today was our last swimming for Term 2. We won't be going back in Term 3 becasue it's too cold to be doing all the travel - and because it's the busiest month for the B&B. Here are some images of Eb's last swim....
We were lucky enough to be able to 'host' Paul's birthday party on his special day. To have them home for a few months is a privilege, but to be able to celebrate a birthday is extra special! We had a lovely night with our friends Susan, Dwayne and their daughter Sarah along with our friends - and dear friends of Paul and Kat's - Wendy and Mal. We had some great laughs!
We have had such a wonderful, special time with Aunty Lyn and Manda when they came for a visit. Ebony and I went and picked them up from the train station in Wangaratta and we had a lovely drive home. We really didn't do a whole lot while they were here - although we did get to the park one of the days.....but we had such a lovely time just 'chillin. Manda had been sick and the weather was pretty cold and wet so we decided it was just nice to sit around and spend some time chatting and watching our beautiful girls at play.
I was driving to Myrtleford and came across this tree which had fallen over. What was so amazing was just how wide the root ball was - but even more so was how small (short) the actual roots were. It was no small tree and yet there was so little holding it in the ground!
We have so much anticipated the arrival of Miss Mei (one of Eb's Suixi sisters) and her Mummy and Daddy. It was a beautiful weekend and we had lots of fun times together. The girls played so well and loved there time together - whether it was eating together or reading or playing!
a lovely walk around the lake....
We had really hoped that there would be snow for Mei and Eb to enjoy...and we were really blessed. There had been some in the lead up and it was still beautiful up at Falls Creek. The girls had some fun on the Toboggan....
until Graham went flying down the Toboggan slope and flipped the Toboggan only to land smack on his face in the icy snow. He was able to smile about it - but Ebony wouldn't go near the Toboggan afterwards!
but we did get time for a family snap!
Then Chris decided it was time for a bit of 'fun' with Ruth!
but Mei wasn't so sure about it all...
Wasn't long before the girls were all smiles again though!
Then on the Monday, we all went to Gapstead Winery for a beautiful lunch together before our 3 dear friends headed off home again. The girls had a ball on a gorgeous winter day.