* at the moment her 'pup' (up) melts my heart and I can't do anything BUT pick her up!
* in the car she will suddenly say 'huh' with a beautiful smile on her face (you have to be there to understand - it's a fun 'huh' not a bad 'huh').
* 'boo' behind her hands - SOOOO cute - she'll put her hand over her eyes (I'll try and get a photo) and then let her hand down and expect you to say 'boo'- not her!
* 'ubabov' - complete with hand movements when she wants me to sing 'twinkle twinkle'
* gotcha - something I play with her where I grab her beautiful little hands in a rush and say 'gotcha'. Today I said gotcha about something else and she started making hand motions like when I 'gotcha' her hands!
* the tears than form in her little beautiful deep eyes when I (try to!) tell her off!
* the way she wakes in the mornings and 'chats' to herself for up to an hour....happily! (and this morning said mumum and dadad and just hummed to herself). Very different from the baby that used to wake up crying all the time....and how happy she is when we go into her.
* how she loves her wheetbix and Vegemite toast
* How she wanders around happily in the mornings - picking up toys and playing for a while, then walking around more - occasionally watching the tv if it's on - but never for long
* how she now walks us to the bath or the highchair when we mention them
* how excited she gets when she sees her daddy
* ....yet at the moment she's mummy's girl (at long last!)
* how much she LOVES going outside
* how excited she gets when she knows we're going out (when I say brrrrooomm)
* how she says 'moo' for a cow and 'woo' for a dog
* how EVERYTHING is ta - especially first thing in the morning when we get her out of her cot and she just wants us to take her to everything in sight and point to things.
* how, at times, Ebony just cuddles the floor! nothing's wrong - she just does it
* how she responds to 'gentle'. One of the first things we had to teach Ebony was 'gentle' - she had no idea and would scratch or whack us in the face without warning. Not in anger - just because. Now she puts her hand on our face and gently runs her beautiful hand over our face - it's so precious.
so many beautiful things to remember....oh and she still loves her vegetables and creamed rice/custard/ham/soy&linseed biscuits/apple. She doesn't like strawberries and bananas that aren't 'just right'!
Here's some photo's for you...I have to say I LOVE the one of her yawning..how cute!
I love reading about evrything she is doing! Don't they just melt your heart, these girls of ours?! Hey, I posted pictures from a photo shoot, there are quite a few so scroll down to see them all.
Just beautiful Jen - you have a real gift for writing about your gorgeous daughter. Your new house looks spectacular! can't wait to see pictures once you have moved in.
God bless,
Cristina xx
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