There's lots of fun to be had!
Ebony didn't really understand what was happening - I tried to show her photo's and help her understand that her two littlest cousins were coming.....but she didn't really understand.
Bec and Lizzie did however! they were excited - or at least Bec was (she's 4 1/2 - Lizzie is 2.3). Lizzie was sort of there.
When they arrived Eb was asleep and they couldn't wait for her to wake (either could I!). It was so beautiful to see her face when she saw the girls - she was so excited. That repeated itself every time she woke to see their faces. It's one of the many joys I experience - seeing her joy.
We had a lovely time together. Didn't do much (although Bern and I scrapbooked whenever we could). We did go to the park on Monday - where Eb fell 2+ meters off one piece of equipment. I never want to see that happen again - it was the scariest thing I've experienced so far - I don't think I've ever moved so fast to get to her. I was standing right beside (up on the equipment) her talking to Graham when it happened - she missed a step and at that point there is an opening in the play equipment - and that's where she fell from. Thankfully she only ended up with a small cut on her face from the tan bark - I however didn't stop shaking from the adrenaline for a few hours. I watched her very carefully throughout the rest of the day and was particularly vigilant overnight - kept thinking of internal bleeding - but thankfully my girl is absolutely fine.
A couple of times we went next door and fed the animals. Our neighbor has kindly said we can come in whenever we like so I keep all my veggie scraps. There are chooks, geese, peacocks, bantam hens, guinea fowls, alpaca's, sheep - so much fun for the girls.
It was a great 4 days - I felt very sad when they left - I just love having people around. Thankfully I now have a precious little girl of my own to keep me company!

The three girls on the deck at home

Just after 'the fall'

Having fun with mummy

....and with Lizzie

Three girls having a bath

and feeding the animals...

Ebony and Lizzie off for a walk

After they've gone home...sitting in the middle of our (quiet) road.