First it was drawing with Kayla...

Then, on the Saturday, I had my darling 'blogger' friend Chel and her family in Mt Beauty, so finally - after about 4 years of blogging together, we got to meet face to face. I, of course, was not in the least disappointed. What a gorgeous family - how I wished Broken Hill were just a tad closer! (we also got some face painting done down at the local market!)

Then it was Easter Sunday and the Easter Bunny had been! how amazing :)

Eb and Kayla heading off for a walk together...too cute!

then it was time for the land of nod...after a big day of egg gathering....and eating!

Easter Monday dawned so beautifully - as you'll see

Then it was our last morning....and time for some breakfast with her helmet on!

and some fun girls time! we've had a ball....

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