This lovely long weekend we headed off to Sydney to pick up the one he's chosen.
First it was the airport and a plane trip (again!). I was really, REALLY apprehensive because it was a tiny plane and a horrible day. But we made it!
Eb filling in some time at the airport - she loves to take the smarties OUT of the biscuit before she eats it!

Taken from our little wasn't so bad after all :)

I do it myself mummy!

Happy snuggled up with Suixi bear

...and snugly :)

huummmm - it WAS a small plane

waiting for the bus to get us into town....

Lunch at Darling Harbour....

Then some fun times around Darling Harbour

Then we arrived at Vicki, Daniel and Stephanie's

Two gorgeous girls...

We had a lovely outing to Bondi....

Dancing with freedom on the beach - gotta love it!

The girls chasing seagulls...

and just being beautiful together

last bit of play before we head home

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