From the blessing of having a little girl who now wants to kiss and 'tuddle' to the communication we now enjoy.
Eb is now 109cm and 18kg and yes - I'm still making the most of every cuddle 'cause I'm sure it won't be long before I won't be able to pick her up anymore.
Some of the cute things/development things that have happened recently....
* Ebby singing - Daddy asks what are you singing? - Ebby says 'to my hearts content'! :)
* I send Ebby of to wash her hands at Pa and Nany's house - she comes back and says 'Mummy, my hands aren't long enough'.....she went to the trough!
* She makes her bed (in a fashion) when she gets up in the morning
* She now says 'I'm sorry' when she knows she's hurt me or done something wrong. Recently, when this happened, it took her some time while she thought about what we talked about. I thought that was really precious because it showed she was thinking about it!
* When she is upset with me she tends to walk away to sort it out in her mind....but it's not long before she's back!
* She is very aware of her party and this past week at kinder she went to the helper mums to make sure they were bringing her a present!
* She is loving kinder and happily goes off without a care
* She can easily count to 20 (although she frequently misses 15)
* She knows all her colours perfectly
* She can write the 'ebon' of her name, but struggles a bit with the 'y'
* She calls McDonalds 'old McDonalds' - cracks us up every time!
* Readily says 'please' and 'thank you' the right times
* Is starting to use the computer and remote controls
* Loves bread with peanut butter and honey for breakfast!
* Has just started to enjoy tomato's and strawberries
* LOVES plain rice and her favorite meal is pasta
* When she meets someone she asks 'what's you name?'
* When I put her to bed recently she said (because she didn't want to go to sleep) - I'm sad mummy - my heart hurts :( - or even recently - my heart is broken
* Starting to know the letters of the Alphabet and knows numbers to look at
* Still wakes up very distressed from sleeps in the car
* Fits size 4 clothes (would only buy 5 now) and size 9 shoes
* Often can't quite work out what to say and starts 'but, but, but, ummmmm'
* Still loves Chai latte's
* Asking LOTS of questions!
* Still loves singing and dancing and is a real girl
* Doesn't mind what she wears - except in her hair. She has a stronger opinion about that!
* Still loves to be outside with Daddy
* ....but Mummy is still the only one who can make things 'better'
* Loves 'spotty' biscuits (the ones with smarties in them)
* Is excited about going to school next year
* Doesn't like long trips in the car these days and will frequently ask "are we there yet?"
* Often says 'it's a long day Mummy'
* Loves books - but doesn't have a real favorite - just anything that is read to her
* Still can't be parted for long from her 'snugly' and sleeps every single night with snugly and Suixi bear
* Loves her bike but her Mummy and Daddy are past being able to help her of her training wheels - not sure what we'll do about that lot! may have to pay someone :)
* Seems to love whoever she is with - doesn't ask to have a special friend over - whoever is there is the best person to play with
* Loves her barbie's
* Elbow and shoulder get a bit mixed up and she calls her Elbow her Obow
Wow, what a year it has been. I have loved getting to know the little girl in my life and I have loved watching who she is becoming. She is still the absolute sunshine in my life and I just don't know where I would be or who I would be - without her.
I am so, SO grateful to Jesus - who chose this precious little life to become part of mine.
Happy 5th birthday my darling little cherub. I pray that this next year - the one where I let go of being the major influence in your life - is filled with joy, happiness and peace. I love you more than any words could possibly say.
First 5yo photo....

the beautiful dolls house we got you for your birthday

Opening cards and pressie's with daddy....

getting ready for dance.....

then it was a little celebration with Austin!

Then it was lots of fun at dance....

now for some fun 5yo photo's!

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