First stop was lunch at Violet Town. Graham hadn't stopped there before so this was our opportunity!

then it was on the road again....and off to sleep for someone (who had - for the very first time - had her nails polished with some glitter - which explains the hands!)

We stopped overnight in a Motel on the way. We chose 'St Arnaud' and found a lovely Motel there and then went to the local pub for dinner. It was an amazing place with a mixture of uncared for old and freshened up old. Sadly it was a bit like a ghost town in many ways and even for a Friday night in the school holidays we were the only ones eating in the pub!

Next day it was on the road again. We arrived in Kaniva in plenty of time to check in - see Gra's parents etc and then get ready to go. The wedding was held on a property out of town and it was a lovely (although quite windy) afternoon. The wedding was really beautiful.....
Groom - Ned (Anthony) has the red hair - his brother John and John's daughter - the gorgeous Hayley...

Daddy John and daughter Hayley caught in a moment...

Bride and Groom

Mother of the groom with the groom and bride

our little princess dressed at the wedding...

the bridal party in Black and White (and coincidentally on grand final day with collingwood playing!)....

Nana and Hayley (grand daughter)

Daddy catching up with a (now drawn) Grand Final!

Mother of the groom, groom, bride, grandparents of the groom

Then we were on our way to the Motel to fill in some time before the reception and we found some Canola fields!

then it was the Reception

and a cuddle with Nana and Pa

and cutting the cake

It was a fun weekend for us - a lot of travel but a lot of fun too. So nice to catch up with family and also spend some time together as a family. We stopped at Bendigo for the night and that was the beginning of the FCC (Families with children from China) cultural camp - so that will be my next post!