How can this be happening?
I've just returned from 5 days in Melbourne - it was exhausting and today I'm trying to come to terms with getting this home back into some sort of order and......bushfires. Yes - right on our doorstep. If you believe in God - please pray for us. It is such a stressful time with trying to build a home, sell franchises, get ready to travel and meet our longed for little daughter and try to cope with bushfires within 1000m of our new home. I've posted a photo to help you understand what we're contending with. It was taken last night on one of the visits we did to check on things and it was taken from the deck of our new home! I'll post again in a day or so when things settle down a bit
Was thinking of you guys and wondering if the fires were affecting you. Definitely praying for you and all that is happening. love Sarah
Very upsetting! Keep us updated, Jen. Not much we can do here in Calif. but you are in our thoughts and prayers. Juju/skye06
I'm so sorry this is happening! I will pray for you and hope the future holds many blessings for you. Sometimes the trials make regular life seem so much sweeter. Susan J.
Hi Jen,
Hope all is well with you and that the fires have not affected you - goodluck in your travels., love Donna (The Scrap Patch)
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