Just some funny little things that are happening with Ebby....
Every time someone comes to the door or walks up to us or we come to their door - Eb points to her feet and says shoes! if you can explain that one I'll be thrilled!
She can now 'copy' saying the whole alphabet and knows ABC very well.
When I walk into her room in the morning I say 'Morning' - recently she said exactly the same thing back to me....and then this morning she said 'morning' before I did!
She's learning to dance....I'll try and get that on video if I can - it's just the cutest thing. I actually took her to the local 'learn to dance' studio recently and it was amazing to see how she loved it! At one stage the instructor turned the music off and went back to talk with the class .... guess what my girl did???? she turned the music back on by herself and started bopping away! Mothers aren't usually allowed in the room, but because she's so young the instructor allowed me - oh! how I wish I'd taken my camera with me - it had to be seen to be believed. I asked the instructor afterwards what she felt about Ebony doing dance (this day was just a trial) and she said that although Eb obviously loved music and danced very well for a 2.5, she can't take instruction yet and to try again in 3rd term. I had to say I agreed! but it was fun trying out anyway :)
Recently we were out on the front deck and she decided she'd like to play in her little pool (half of one of those clam shells). I said it was ok even though she was fully clothed .... next thing I know she points to the water and says 'it own?'...... sit down! I couldn't believe it - I think that the first real question she's asked me!
Just recently she really surprised me when I heard her count out 'one, two, three, four' along with Humphrey!
When she sees a duck she says 'back, back, back, back' with total emphasis! (back is quack by the way).
Eb has a lisp - so, so cute! It's most obvious when she says oops (which she says a lot lately). Once again something I really need to catch on movie.
Ebony also loves sitting on our laps - all the time! She is SO strong and she will pull and pull at our arms until we are down to her level and then she just happily sits there!
She is STILL an amazing sleeper. Even if she doesn't sleep during the day one day (which is rare) - she will resume a 3 hour sleep the next day onwards. I can't believe my luck.
She is 12.7kg and although she's not in many size one's I'm finding size 2 have to have an adjustable waist or they swim on her (or end up at her ankles!).
She's also made it to 91cm's (which is why size 1 are too short now!).
She is a very determined little soul and she is learning how to 'use' tears to get her own way. Luckily her mummy is on to her :)
She will also 'mock' hurting herself and then pull this gorgeous little sort of sad face that you have to see to believe and come to us (over and over again) to get a 'kiss better'.
She is now starting to put lots of words together. She loves 'outside' 'shut door' 'naw ty' 'fall out' ...the list goes on - but it's just so cute. Cow is 'tow', Cat is 'tat', Bottle is 'bople'. She knows the sound of most farm animals and the names of most too .... even if they're her own version!
She sings so much of the time - I just love hearing that sound.
Eb is such a good little girl - she opens AND CLOSES the screen door to the deck whenever she comes in and out. She says 'peeze' (please) often and 'ta' whenever she's given something.
She is very pedantic about where she has her morning bottle - she won't be happy until it's where SHE wants it to be - couch/chair/bed.....it's a lucky dip in the mornings! After she's had her bottle she will get her 'toys' (very clear that word) and bring them into bed with me...no matter what they are! The bed can be overtaken some mornings.....and how I love it!
She's a delight - she's so much fun - she melts my heart and fills my days with joy. I feel so blessed and so happy and content.
My sleeping beauty
Photo face
Fun at the park
Playing on Elijah's scooter
Lunch at the pool