I wanted to send a letter to the Alpine Shire Mayor - Cr. Nino Mautone and it took me much longer than I had planned to get my act together....but I finally did and here's the end result...

I've put 2 photo's in the hope that it's clear - there is no frame - it's just a glass full frame (if that makes sense) and the words I wrote are....
29th February : 2008
Alpine Shire Council
PO Box 139
Bright Vic 3791
Dear Cr. Nino Mautone,
This is a bit late coming – but better late than never.
I wanted to say a ‘personal’ thank you for how you handled the Citizenship Ceremony on Australia Day which included our daughter Ebony. Ebony was adopted by us, from China.
Ebony was placed in our arms on Christmas Day 2006 at the age of 16 months. Her beginnings in this world were not easy – as a result it’s been our hearts desire to make as much out of special events in her life as we can. We were more than delighted with how you handled this special day for our daughter – the occasion of her becoming an Aussie Citizen. I had long hoped (even before we were given her) that we would be able to celebrate her Citizenship at an Australia Day ceremony – but I never dreamed that the Mayor would make her special day even more special. I truly wish I had videoed it – you made her Daddy and I – let alone Ebony feel so special and so blessed to have been honoured this way. The weather was spectacular and so was the location – but nothing came close to how wonderfully you received her.
Thanks also to Helen – who helped make it all happen. She was so willing to have Ebony involved and that meant a lot to us as well.
From the bottom of our hearts – thank you. You obviously are a very special man who appreciates all that children are and all they can be.
We appreciate you,
Kind regards
Jen (Graham & Ebony) Boote
Mt. Beauty, Victoria, Australia
Congratulations little Miss Aussie girl... now go eat some Vegemite and you will be a 'true' honest to goodness Aussie... hehehe
Whata beautiful gift - I'm sure he will treasure it and always remember Ebony :)
Thanks for writing this.
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