I have the most emotionally beautiful little girl at the moment! She just gives me kisses when I least expect them - and in the cutest of places....eyes, nose, back, arm, hair - wherever she can surprise me! It's just totally the cutest thing I've ever seen or experienced......and always followed by a smile of course - a smile that reaches totally from one ear to the other :)
She's also saying lots of cute things...one of her favorites is 'Ebby do' - and it goes for almost anything! She wants to dress herself, undress herself, hold the pin for the nappy during changes, get in the car, get out of the car, carry the shopping (!), open doors, turn on lights, turn off lights....gosh the list goes on and on! - but what amazes me about this precious little child is that she still lays peacefully in her cot whenever she wakes up - she doesn't get up - she just lays there saying 'mummy' or sings or whatever - but she doesn't try to get out! I can't believe it. I said to Graham this week that I'm sure she'll 'grow' out of her cot before she climbs out. She still sleeps 2-3 (sometimes more) hours during the day and doesn't wake up really well after the afternoon nap - although some days are crackers when she just wakes up smiling and giggling. She also wants to make sure that Suixi bear and rabbit have good control of her 'snugli' when she's not there. It's so funny.
Here's a photo of her sleeping today - just to keep Chel happy :) (Yep! that's how well she sleeps - she'd been in the cot all of 15mins when I slipped in and flash photo'd her)
Some of the other funny things are....
'scuse me' when we even touch each other - as she pulls at whatever parts of our body are connecting!
terover - when she wants us to roll over
Trying to get her to stop saying 'what' when I call her from another room!
All chairs are 'highchairs'
All cups are 'cupatea's' - she has her water out of a 'cupatea' now :)
If she doesn't want something or I've finshed doing something (like the ironing tonight) - she says 'all gone'....'see you later'. It's really funny to listen to.
If I say we're going to work today she says 'no more...see you later'
Then tonight she said 'no medicine eyes' (she's had conjunctivitis) and I said no - she said 'later' and said 'no - no need to now' and she blew me away when she said 'sooner'! How did she get to know later/sooner??????
Well - enough ranting...here's some cute photo's!
Daddy and Ebby feeding one of the new lambs next door
sorry - couldn't resist - footprints on the bathmat
Daddy and Ebby games !!!
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