Just a couple of nights with a gorgeous girlfriend and her gorgeous daughter.
Eb and Sarah spend quite a bit of time together and get on well (well most of the time!)
there is about 16 months between them, but they have a ball together!...
We left on Sunday after Church a flew from Albury to Sydney. We arrived at about 3pm at the Hotel and then had a little bit of time to fill in before we got ready to go to Mary Poppins.

We had dinner on the way to the cinema in a sweet little Thai restaurant.

Eb and I went to Mary Poppins back in Feb - but it just didn't go well for Eb...and I had no idea how much I had actually missed by sitting as far back as we did. We were up in Dress Circle (even though the tickets were cheaper than the Melbourne show!) and we saw EVERYTHING. I loved it! Ebony enjoyed it too (although this time I DID take snugly for her!). She did spend a bit of time on my lap...but all in all she remembers a lot more. It was an earlier start too...and it wasn't such a stressful lead up!

After the excitement of the show we walked back to our Hotel on a beautiful mild Sydney night!

We finally got the girls to bed....and then to sleep (actually Eb went to sleep almost immediately - poor Sarah struggled to settle after the excitement!).
The next morning we got up (early!) and headed down to breakfast in the Hotel. I'm so glad we took some stickers/colouring books for the girls - it filled in their time beautifully and we could enjoy our breakfast!

Then - we excitedly headed off to Taronga Zoo! I have wanted to go there for years.
We walked to the Mono Rail and - just for the fun of it for the girls - we jumped on for the short journey to Darling Harbour. It was such fun for them!....

Then we arrived at Darling Harbour where we boarded a 'Captain Cook Ferry' bound for Taronga Zoo via a couple of stops...

I was in awe of all the beautiful sights on the boat...but then just as in awe of the sights from the Zoo!

I adore this photograph...even though it's through the glass, it shows an amazing relationship between a mother, her child and, we think, another sibling...

I love this photo of Sarah...

After the Zoo we made our way back to Darling Harbour where the girls had an absolute ball in all the water features!

Then we went back to the Hotel and had a delicious dinner at the Hotel before getting 2 exhausted little (and big!) girls off to sleep
Tuesday we headed down for a yummy breakfast again and booked out by 10am before making our way to the gorgeous "Chinese Gardens" in the heart of Darling Harbour - what a beautiful, tranquil, peaceful place it is

and I just love this one of Eb's hand enjoying another water feature. We filled in time around Darling Harbour again before we headed back to the airport for our flight home!

What a wonderful, fun couple of nights we had....all of us!