Wow - how much can a life change in such a short period of time. Ebony has only been part of my life for 2 weeks and it seems like forever in the best possible way.
Ebony you have filled my life and my heart to overflowing - you have made part of me complete in a way that I never knew possible. You fill my days in a way that I never thought possible. (and we're not even home yet!)
You are such a little gem. For all you have been through you are learning to love us so well. You still have a bit of detachment, but all in all you now know who provides for you. I pray, as the years unfold, you learn more about who really provides for you.
You are an amazing sleeper - you travel well most of the time, although you have had your moments. You dance with your daddy - you love your bath - you smile readily but you also know your mind and when you don't get what you want you are sure to let me know. I'm learning to say 'no' because I know it will be for your good in time to come (and mine!).
You say 'dad dad dad' although we know this had a different meaning when you were in the Orphanage. You wave your beautiful little hands often, which we now know happens because of singing along to 'twinkle twinkle little star' in Chinese.
You are so beautiful - you have a gorgeous round face and LOTS of raven black hair. You have perfect almond eyes and a rosebud mouth. You have a slight underbite that we will have looked at on our return. You came to us with silky smooth skin that is now very dry and rashy - we'll have to have that looked at too. You have 8 teeth, although there is at least 1 that is beginning to poke through.
You wake up so beautifully in the morning - no hurry at all (could be a problem when we need to get you up for school though....). You are a happy girl who plays really well with the other girls - although you are starting to join in a bit more (where you were just sitting and watching before) and can be a bit rough on the littler ones.
You are walking now - which my heart isn't ready for but my head knows has to happen. You are getting very confident. All of a sudden we are having to move things out of reach (already!).
How my heart swells - how easily a smile comes over my face when I watch you. How grateful I am to God for the gift He has given us. A week and we'll be back in Melbourne and you'll get to meet many others who have waited and prayed with us for you. I love you sweetheart with a love that I never knew possible.
Sniff, sniff... what a lovely post to your daughter.
Thanks so much for posting from China. I can't believe you are already home. (I so wish we had had the opportunity to meet.) Ebony is so georgous. You must be so overwhelmed with a love whose depth you never knew before.
I am so very happy for you!
Laureen in Florida
(Leaving next Thursday!)
So sweet..!
Hi Jen, Have just got a few minutes before we take off from home to go to Melb. to meet you off the plane.
That long awaited time is actually almost here and oh boy oh how I've been looking for this day.I'll try very hard to stay back and not throw
myself on you on return but it will be hard to sit back,What a dream come true and Ebony looks more than everything we prayed for in a little girl,YOUR girl. Your blog news has been a delight to read and the tribute to Ebony is just fantastic. She has bonded to you both so well.
I'd like to say heaps more but I must get ready to leave.Have a great flight and we'll see you on SUNDAY.....Yipeeeeee!!!!! Ma.XXX
This is just so beautiful. I just can't wait to meet the beautiful E B O N Y G R A C E for real.
It's so exciting to know that this time tomorrow night I will have met her and seen you guys.
God's done good! No he's done GREAT! Love all 3 of you lots!
Love Bern
Dear Jen,
I have been following your journey for a very, very long time now. The absolute love that you express for your daughter has been a total joy to witness. I don't "know" you but I do know that you (and Graham) are going to be amazing parents and Ebony is so blessed to be blessed with a mum and dad like you. Welcome to parenthood - it just gets better and better.
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