Life is settling down somewhat. Yes I'm going to include photo's of our new home's progress I promise. It's moving along quite well really and we hope to be in by mid to late March. What a joy that will be. I love living where we are, but I'm just getting a bit over walking out to the garage to try and find things from boxes so frequently! Ebony news.....She's beautiful, adorable, smiling, happy, EATING, full of fun and being a generally adorable toddler. She even likes vegemite..... Yes - I'm enjoying here more and more each day. We still have bad days or at least bad 'times', but all in all she's settling in very well. We had to travel back to Melbourne last weekend and it was a VERY full on few days. She got to meet more people than I could point a stick at I think and she was incredibly good and happy with almost everyone. We had a bit of a melt down the first night we were there - and I wondered if we had put her through change too quickly - and possibly we did. She seemed to be absolutely terrified. Interestingly the next few days were like a dream. She is cutting 4 eye teeth and 4 molars - so that could be all it was. She's a toddler....who would really know?????
She has started to really learn things - now if we ask her to clap her hands (without actually doing it ourselves) she claps! That happened last Tuesday 30/1 and melted me. It was like a huge relief to see that she was starting to comprehend. Now she can put her hands on her head when we ask her too along with a couple of other small things. The local Maternal Health Nurse visited on Friday night and she's a bit concerned about Ebony's development - but I truly believe that she's just not up with children who have lived the first 16 months of their life in an Orphanage. I don't want to bury my head in the sand, but I also trust my instincts. I'll do all that is suggested (OT and Audiologist etc), but I feel quietly confident she'll pass with flying colours.
She also had her first time in an in-ground pool yesterday and she absolutely loved it! It was a delight to see. I actually decided to buy her a small wading pool - which we tried out tonight and she had a ball! She loves water!
Her eating is improving no end. I can't believe she's the same child we brought home 3 weeks ago today.
I look at her beautiful little face and I can see how much her demeanor has changed. She had a long face when we first met her - now it seems much more round (does that sound stupid?). It's like her little face reflects how much happier she is.
Graham and I still look at her and both our eyes fill with tears. (I've included a picture of the 'crocs' daddy couldn't resist buying for her !!!) We are so in love with her. God sure knew what He was doing when He gave us her! She is very independent, but she's also very loving and so beautifully happy. Here you are....enjoy some beautiful photo's.
Ooh, nice kitchen Jen (cute Baby too hehe!!). Glad to hear Ebony is settling in to her new life well. And I'm with you about your instincts regarding her development - go with 'em! Smart to have her checked out, but smarter not to worry!
Hopefully see you soon,
Love Penny
LOVE that vegemite face !!!
Love the snaps of the house too,you polished the bench top like Mummy taught you,you've watched good Jen!!
Looking through those big windows will be a treat to the eye,to see the mountains around you.Looking so much forward to seeing it all in the flesh but in the meantime the snaps on the blog are a great help to keep up with things in progress.Go for it Ebony you did clap handies for Nana
Love ya all & God bless....Ma.XXX
Jen - Ebony is absolutely beautiful! I really think you should listen to your instincts as well. I have found through the years that alot of times my instinct was right on - but, other times I worried for absolutely no reason. It is amazing to me how children seem to make the days go by so, if this wait would just wiz by!! Thanks for sharing your pictures and feelings - it makes me look forward even more to my baby waiting in China!
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