Ebony is probably saying about 20 words....let me see if I can remember them!
Dada, Mama, Nana, Pa, Baba, Moo, Woo, Hor (horse), ta, 'hom' (home), 'ho' (hot), boon (balloon), eat, up, snu (snugly or suixi for suixi bear), toast, bot, car, no, hi, elp (help), more....well that's 22 and I know there's more, so it was a good exercise. Many of the words others (even daddy) wouldn't understand.
She blows kisses SO beautifully and she says the most gorgeous 'no' I've ever heard. She kinda sings it in a very wistful way, although she is learning to say it with more determination I must say. She loves playing 'boo' - not so much behind her own hand these days though. She loves it when we play ANYTHING with her - she just loves being with us. Adores her daddy! She has stayed quite 'clingy' with us and doesn't really like to go to other people. We are trying to encourage her, but it will take time I guess. She still adores being outside - there is no place better for her. She is still sleeping better than I could ever have asked (2-3 hours each day and 11 overnight) and she eats very well too. She is still happily eating from her highchair - no arguments there thank goodness! She runs whenever she can - doesn't sit down unless she's ill or watching one of her favorite DVD's. She loves playschool (mostly the songs). She's still not great with books - hopefully that will come though.
She loves her nudie run after her bath each night and she loves her cousins - especially Lizzie who is only 2 1/2 months older than Eb.
She still loves people - although doesn't go to them easily - just loves them from a distance.
She also loves 'launching' herself at us, from whatever height or angle and she doesn't care if we're ready or not!
She is starting to give really beautiful cuddles - they don't last long - but they're there! Yipee :)
She doesn't like the car - AT ALL (this will be fun when we go to Lakes Entrance 3 3/4 hours and then on to Phillip Island about 5 days later (another 3 3/4 hours) - ON MY OWN! - in about 5 weeks. I'm NOT looking forward to that lot I can tell you.
She is full of FUN, FUN, FUN! She just runs around happily - doesn't seem to need too much in the way of toys - comes for cuddles often - really enjoys playgroup and visitors - there's not much to complain about I have to say. Even when she wasn't well she was a little trooper. In some ways I love it when she's not well - I get LOTS of cuddles!
I can't believe she is the same little girl that was placed in our arms 8 months ago - it's hard to comprehend. She was so quiet and so unsure - and today she is happy, confident, beautiful and ..... all ours!
Well - that's enough for now....except....she weighs 12.3kg and is 85cm tall - so she's right on the 50th percentile for an Aussie child.
One photo was taken in the orphanage at around 15 months of age....then at 2 years old...

..on Ebony's birthday
..and as a gorgeous 2 year old! - home 8 months