We stayed with Auntie Kate, Uncle Jim and Eliza (who came home to her mummy and daddy the same day as me) on the Saturday night and then caught a 6am flight to Cairns via Brisbane. I liked the flight but wasn't too happy about being woken at 4am! and it was so cold in Melbourne. Anyway the first flight was sort of ok - then some how or other mummy managed to get me to sleep about 1/2 hour before we got on the second flight (I think I heard mummy say she was more tired than me by that stage :) Mummy was so clever - she brought along a portable DVD player so I could watch my favorite DVD's.....isn't she smart?
We were so glad to get to our accommodation - but unfortunately when we got there it was on the first floor and there were no lifts!!! - mummy said to warn all the other girls to tell their mummy's to make sure anywhere they stay is on the ground floor - especially if they like the outdoors like me! It wasn't too bad traipsing up and down stairs - but I didn't like it as much - I just wanted to be outside and the balcony wasn't big enough! So we spent lots of time walking around. The pool wasn't really any good for me either - even the small one was too deep - so mummy and me just had as much fun as we could together.
One thing mummy keeps talking about was the portacot that was given to us by the Hotel - it had gorgeous ladybirds and flowers and butterflies on it, but they had rattles in them - mummy couldn't believe that ANYONE would put rattle things in a cot! but they did - she said something about it making perfect sense to someone obviously....but not to a mother! I don't understand - but I guess some of you will!
Another great thing mummy and daddy did was to bring along my 3 wheel stroller! I love it and it helped so much!. I even slept in it!
Well - then it was a done thing and we were really on holidays.
Lots of walks and parks and swims - mummy kept saying the weather was beautiful. I don't know what 'weather' is but I sure had fun - I could run around in my bathers and spend time in the water. We hired a car on Tuesday and went to a place called 'Cape Tribulation' - there I got to play on a real beach for the first time in my life and I LOVED IT! it was SO much fun. I could have stayed all day! I started of in my clothes.....but it wasn't long before I was in my bathers!....
The first photo is me and mummy when I had my clothes on - the second one is some Chinese that had been written in the sand - mummy wishes she could read it! and the third one is the face I pull when I say 'help' - don't understand why mummy thinks it's so cute - but she does.
The fourth one is me on daddy's shoulders at Mossman Gorge on the way back to Palm Cove.
I didn't want to eat much on this holiday - I was having too much fun! Mummy was a bit concerned - but shouldn't have been - I ate when I felt like it, but I just missed mummy's home cooking :)
Mummy said I slept very well considering we were all in the same room for the first 5 nights. I slept about 1 to 1 + 1/2 hours during the day and about 11-12 over night. I love my sleep! I did have one night just before we came home where I didn't go to sleep until about 9.30pm and woke up at 4am the next morning - I was fine but mummy was very, very tired!
Cairns itself was so much fun (we stayed at Palm Cove for the first 5 nights) - Cairns has this amazing walkway (boardwalk) that is a looonnnnggg walk and along the way is lots of fun things for me to do.....here's a picture of the great swimming lagoon I mentioned before....
uh oh! mummy says it's time to stop now....gee! I'll come back and tell you about the rest later. Mummy's are great - but sometimes they spoil my fun :(
Oh Jen - you're such a crack up. Sounds like you had a ball. I thought that you would come back 'well rested' but I was exhausted just reading about everything you did.
Take Care - Love You Lots
Christine xxx
Dear Ebony,
It sounds like you had so much fun on your first family holiday, how lucky you are, it was really cold down here. Hats, gloves, jackets. Mum's always rugging me up. Glad to see you enjoy swimming, it's fun isn't it?
Lots of love from your Suixi 'sister' Camille
Jen I am surprised I didn't bump into you as I am here in Cairns and have been for the past 3 weeks visiting the same places you have. Your daughter is beautiful Congratulations!!
Nikki Brae-Smith
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