When I contacted our local council to see if Ebony would be able to join in I wasn't sure what the reaction would be. Children from China don't need to be involved in a 'Citizenship' ceremony because the moment their application is approved they automatically become an Australian - however I really wanted the ceremony .... especially for Ebony and for one of the many special moments in her life that we HAVE been able to celebrate. Thankfully the Alpine Shire Council were wonderful and were quite excited to have Ebony join in the celebration.
I wasn't at all sure what to dress Eb in - I had even thought about her Chinese Cheongsam - but, after much deliberation I contacted my friend Leanne whose daughter Gabriella (the first child I ever really got to follow the adoption of...before and after the event) who celebrated the same special event on the same day a year earlier. Gabriella wore the most beautiful dress so I asked Leanne if I could borrow it and thankfully she said yes! It arrived a few days before and fitted Ebony beautifully (as you'll see!).
It was a magnificent morning in Mt. Beauty - glorious sunshine and many, many people in town turned up at the park next to our local swimming pool to welcome the newest Aussies. Eb was the only little one...the other 5 were adults. The Mayor was nothing short of outstanding in his handling of Ebony's situation. He made me feel she was the most important person of the whole day - he was totally delightful and if I'd known it would all go the way it did I would have had it videoed to - but I honestly thought it would just be the handing over of the paperwork. Well I was in for a lovely surprise when she was treated in such a special manner. The Mayor left Ebony until last and then he said that - as important as the others were and not to put them down in any way - he saved the best and most important to last. He handed her the certificate and a gorgeous Kangaroo (she'd been given a Kookaburra by a special little friend Sarah and a Koala by the local Tawonga South newsagency owners) and she also received a beautiful medallion. It was a truly special day - Eb even thrilled everyone (including me) when she happily gave the Mayor a kiss on the cheek!
Enjoy these priceless photo's.....
our gorgeous girl and her closest 'friend' Autumn-Grace (4)
AWWW and I think she is the SWEETEST little Aussie!
Congratulations! I love the pictures! Your daughter is beautiful. :-)
Forever Parents
What a gorgeous story Jen. I am so happy that the Mayor went out of his way to make Ebony's special day even MORE special!! I have just finished battling through the citizenship paperwork for Alice (groan) and hope to hear soon that she is now a dinki di Aussie!
Cristina xxx
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