After my niece came to stay my sister had to call me with the niece had head lice.
Well, there's a first for everything! I've been very careful with kinder - but just wasn't ready for this. So ! treatment. Luckily I had a bottle of treatment 'stuff'. I checked Eb's hair and when I had just about given up and thought there were none - one appeared! I couldn't find any in mine - but decided to give us both 'the treatment''s some photo's...might as well make fun out of the situation I say. ....and Eb coped really well :)
Oh no... I remember these days as a kid... shampoo that stunk like road tar and mum would have our head under boiling hot water... I do not miss those days but hope all is under control...
Oh no... I remember these days as a kid... shampoo that stunk like road tar and mum would have our head under boiling hot water... I do not miss those days but hope all is under control...
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