It started with my amazing husband and my sweet daughter showering me with handmade and handwritten cards and a beautiful addition to my Pandora bracelet. I barely had my eyes open when it started and it's just so special and something I've waited all my life to experience! This year Eb understand Mothers Day more than she ever has before. Here's some photo's of what she presented me with.....
this is the one she made a Kidz Church...

and this is the one she made (and the gift she chose) at School....

We then got up and had yummy pancakes together. Graham told me he had a surprise for me for lunch - that was something to look forward to!
Off we went to Church where we enjoyed a lovely service out in the main hall (the heating wasn't working in the main Church) was a very special service dedicated to the Mum's. We were all given a gift made by our child and a little something special from the Church itself. I was asked to take some photo's, so I enjoyed doing that!
Then Church was over and off we headed - I was totally surprised to be taken to Kancoona Winery for lunch. I've never been there before and it is a gorgeous, rustic, unfinished but lovely building with a view out over the bush. It has obviously all been done by the owners and is very much a work in progress. Our meal was really nice and we enjoyed a lovely few hours there. Eb was great too - but I wish I'd bought some colouring books or something for her to do lol!
Here's some photo's of our fun day.

quite unusual (eclectic) decor...

....yummy desert!

some of my little princess.....

one very happy little family

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