The B&B has now gone a bit quiet so it's been a good chance to get some things done around home. The weather has started to improve - it's been one of the wettest winters I can remember for a long, long time.
We've had some fun times and some interesting times. Graham has been quite sick with what they first thought was Legionnaire's disease but has ended up being Pneumonia. He hasn't worked much of the last 3 or so weeks. Eb has had an ear infection and has been on a course of antibiotics (I've finally worked out how to get them into her! ...with her cereal in the morning, creamed rice at lunch and choc yogurt in the evening!..not the best of diet's but at least I don't have to worry about the screaming and holding down that goes on with using a syringe!). Thankfully she seems to be improving, although she still has a lingering cough and high temperatures.
She's so funny with her play - loves to line things up or put them in some sort of sequence...look at these photo's and smile!.....
She is also going through the stage of asking if 'mummy come?', 'daddy come?', 'Ebby come?' if we are going anywhere - she wants to be sure we're all going!
She is wanting us to help her eat a lot...especially if it's something she doesn't enjoy eating. She's still a very good eater, but is going through the fairly normal phase of being a bit picky. She usually eats things but it takes a lot longer than it did once! I don't mind helping from time to time, but not all the time! I'm sure I won't still be feeding her at 15! so I just make the most of each stage. Independence will be here all too soon :)
She calls popcorn....pocorn
She says 'no my haven't'! which is think is just too cute!
She received another beautiful birthday present this week and she love it! She's called Jasmine...and she has sweet little bells on her feet!
...thanks to Molly and Ming! xx
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