We had offered to help our dear friends Ruth, Chris and Mei replace their gutters on the Waratah Bay home. We went there for New Years and had such a wonderful time I was really looking forward to the weekend (not sure Gra was quite as enthusiastic!). It's a long journey...we left at 1.45pm on Friday and finally got there at 7.45pm! We did have to stop in a couple of places so it wouldn't normally be quite so long - probably 5 hours.
We had a wonderful time (at least Eb and I did! - poor Daddy worked the whole weekend!). Eb was amazing travelling again - because we took Graham's car I forgot the lead for the DVD player so Ebony didn't watch one DVD the whole way and she only slept about .45 of an hour - the rest of the time she sang and entertained us - she's amazing!
We went through more fire ravaged areas - we've now seen 5 different areas in 6 days. It's terribly sad to see - I'll do a post specifically dedicated to that soon.
Anyway - Saturday came and we just hung out at home in the morning then Ruth and I took the girls to get some bits and pieces for the guys and gave them a bit of time at the park and then headed back to give them a sleep (which they both did beautifully). Then the girls had some great fun together until friends of Ruth and Chris's came over for dinner. We had a lovely evening - but silly me had a glass of wine to many and woke up feeling terrible on Sunday - so that was a waste of a day. Haven't done that for ages! Anyway we took the girls to the beach and then I had a sleep until Graham was ready to head off - this ended up being about 3.45pm - so it was a VERY late night after we stopped for dinner. We got home at 10.30pm. Thankfully Eb slept a bit of it (1.5 hours from about 3 minutes after we left Ruth, Chris and Mei!). She was exhausted but did the rest of the travel really well.
Sadly I also forgot my good camera!!!!!!! So I have a couple of shots - but not very good ones at all.....guess who left their camera at home! (thankfully my old one was in the glovebox of the car :).
Breakfast time
Eb doesn't look but she was - the photo was just bad timing!.. and she adores Mei!
Play time....
Some of the gorgeous - peaceful - relaxing views...
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