The beautiful and very cute...Somersault!
Yep - that's what Eb called her.
We found Somersault at Target during their toy sale and I relented and let Eb have her because she was just SO cute and Eb took a real shine to her (I don't often impulse buy let me tell you!).
I asked Eb what she would like to call her and she uummed and aahhed and then came up with 'Jesus'! I told her that there was only one Jesus and was there another name she could think of. She went quiet and I could see the 'wheels turning' and then she said 'Somersault'. I thought it was a very, very sweet name - so it's stuck!
Don't you think she's gorgeous?!
Somersault goes absolutely EVERYWHERE with Eb - she's almost as important as Suixi bear! Even Suixi bear is being moved over in bed to allow for Somersault!
The only thing MORE important is ..... snugly of course!
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