Here's our room...

We walked over the road at dinner time and found a food mall - we had little idea of what we were buying - but it was cheap and yummy.
Here we are taking a stroll back through the shopping area after dinner.

Our Hotel from the ground level - we stayed on the 16th floor

We did a lot of travel on the bus system. Once we got used to it (about the day we left) we found it easy - but it did take a long time to get from our Hotel into the city.
Singapore is amazing - I've never been to a place where it is so clean and so well set out!

These amazing cake shops are EVERYWHERE here!

Dance anyone? doesn't matter that we're in a shopping centre just waiting for Daddy outside the bathroom!

We visited the 'Chinese Gardens'. It was an extremely hot day and a bus/walk/train to get there - but it was so worth it. We loved it and walked and walked.

I loved what they did with some of their hedges....

how sweet is this??

a rare family photo!

Confucius statue..

We came across this beautiful, serene area within the gardens and took some time out to just sit and enjoy....

and Daddy spent some time pointing out the turtles in the water....

We ran into 3 absolutely gorgeous young girls who wanted our photo (they couldn't speak english, but we were able to work out what they wanted!)....they were really good fun and were happy to take a photo of us on our camera. They also really wanted a photo of them with sweet!

Next we visited the most beautiful Bonsai garden I've ever been in....

The serenity of this area can't be put into words - it was so beautiful...even in the heat

I love this photo of my very thirsty little girl...

The 'Chinese Garden' train station...

The Singapore Flyer. This is one touristy thing we decided we would do - very expensive (like lots of Singapore!) but worthwhile doing!

This photo is of the 'dining car' - an expensive dinner - but would be quite amazing! It took 1/2 hour to get around the full circle - dinner took 2 trips. Not a long dinner for $250+ph!

It was a very beautiful evening - a great time to experience the views...

Couldn't resist a photo with this friendly little guy

and here's one of the funny sights we saw whilst waiting for a bus - a taxi with a 'pretend' suitcase on top! kinda cute :)

Very sweet Daddy and daughter photo...

The Singapore Flyer...from a distance

We decided the other big attraction we would do would be the Night Zoo - so I had a go at putting Eb down for an afternoon sleep....this was the result within minutes! She is an amazing sleeper.

This is the only clear photo I got at the Zoo - it was so humid (and dark and no flashes allowed) and a new camera I'm not used to! It was a fantastic night though - we loved it. Eb didn't like the night show at first though...and it shows!

I was amazed at these basins in the bathrooms at the Night Zoo! they are just beautiful!

Last day in Singapore - and time for a very hot play in a park!

Then it was some shopping...Ebby style! :)

...and a final dunk in the Hotel pool for Ebby...

and a final photo in the foyer of the Hotel

....and yet another Airport visit!

After we landed back in KL - we caught a bus to our Hotel and Eb befriended this lovely lady - they played games and giggled all the way to the Hotel.

You can't really see it here - but I caught my little toe on Graham's shoe in a busy shopping centre and within hours it was blue (and turned out to have most likely broken!). It was much pain for a long time let me tell you.

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