Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So you would like to know how Eb's going???

I've spoken so much of our experiences and very little of our darling girl.
She's great now! although she misses Paul, Katrina and the children very much and is asking after them often.
I'm amazed at her resilience and her ability to cope in some stressful situations. Everything has gone well really - but the heat in Cambodia was pretty intense and then getting a very bad tummy on top of it didn't help. She was bad when she was bad and great most of the rest of the time.
She has said some of the most hysterical things - I only wish I had written them down when she said them! She is trying to sort through what is actually going on and between telling people (who ask ALL the time) that she is from China...and now trying to understand that we come from not only Tawonga South/Mt Beauty....but also Australia is confusing her somewhat :)......not to mention Kuala Lumpur/Cambodia/Phnom Phen/Siem Reap/Singapore! She keeps thinking (now that we're in Singapore) that we are going to see the kids and that's a bit hard to explain to her!

She's become a master at getting on and off airplanes and working out what does and doesn't need to be done....and checking when she can and can't drink water from a tap!

Last night on the way from Phnom Phen to Kuala Lumpur she fell asleep on my lap and slept until we arrived in KL - now that wasn't a pretty sight! Having to wake her at that time didn't go down well at all and then trying to get off the plane and through customs etc! You would have to be there!

The whole routine of 'Country hopping' is exhausting for me (who does all the organising) - not to mention some of the normal stresses of luggage etc!

People EVERYWHERE are taken by her...and I think it's mostly because it's obvious she isn't our biological daughter. Trying to explain that in Cambodia was very interesting let me tell you!

She just draws people in everywhere she goes - it's beautiful to watch.

She is having a ball really - except when she gets really tired. I had hoped to do the night Zoo at Singapore - but because it doesn't start until 7.30pm I'm just not sure it's worth it. We'll check out 'Breakfast in the wild' instead! Early mornings are easier than late nights.

So - all in all she's doing an outstanding job of holding up to it all. 'Snugly' and 'Suixi bear' are carried absolutely EVERYWHERE! She has been so good looking after them! ...and I must say they LOOK well travelled too!

She loved her time with Elijah, Josiah and Autumn so much. It was like they hadn't been apart (after the first 10 minutes!). The children were great with Eb too. It was such a delight to observe.

I could keep writing, but I'm just a tad concerned I'll run out of 'time' here. We're in Singapore and the Internet isn't free here let me tell you! I'll write again when I can.

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