Then we were in Brisbane. It was still SOAKING wet. I’m glad our days weren’t dependent on the weather or I would have been very disappointed. Thankfully, the one full day we had in Brisbane we were visiting! First we visited friends that we met when Graham was a Tap Doctor. Dean is still a Tap Doctor and we hadn’t seen them for over 3 years! In that time, they have added two gorgeous boys to their family and we have added Ebony. We were getting closer to knowing about Eb the last time we saw each other and Sharon was close to having Hudson. Fletcher is only 7 months old. So our lives are so different to what they were. It was such a lovely time. Dean made it home for lunch and Fletcher woke up eventually, but Eb and Hudson got on really, really well. Hudson is a year younger than Eb. I think the photo’s best show the fun they had together although the video’s are even better. I’ll add them later. An exciting, playful fun filled few hours! Not enough for us adults to catch up though. It was such a great time I was really sad to leave.

From there we had what was meant to be a 10 minute journey to visit Sue and Bryan Meehan and their 2 children. It took us nearly 45mins because the GPS sent us in circles! I guess the GPS did well considering I’d done about 1800kms by this time! Anyway, we finally made it. We had such a lovely time there as well. Sue and Bryan have a son Drew adopted from Korea (12) and a daughter Essie (Esther 8) adopted from China. Both Drew and Essie looked after Eb and kept her well and truly entertained while the adults caught up. I had never met Sue and her family – but we sure knew each other through the Yahoo Adoption groups! Now we know each other even better and I’m, yet again, blessed to have expanded my adoption family with another gorgeous one! Once again, I think the photo’s say it all.

Then it was back to Kim and Michaels where we had a quiet night with them and watched a movie while our little angel slept peacefully. Sadly, I didn’t get one photo of Ebony with them! It’s one of those things that can so easily happen. I was quite sad to say good bye to Kim and Michael. It’s the first time we have actually stayed with them and for me, it wasn’t long enough. They are so lovely and so great with Eb. We’ll be sure to go back and spend a good weekend with them in the future.
I have to mention one very special thing that happened tonight as I put Eb to bed. We went through our normal routine and then, as I walked out the door I said my usual “I love you” and as I walked away I heard “I love you too mummy”. I was so touched. That is yet another ‘first’....and a very, very special one at that!