We left Port Macquarie this morning a bit earlier that we planned to - but it was a good thing really. We made it all the way to Yamba - but I'm not sure how. The rain has been - at times - torrential. I've had the wipers on 2 and they still haven't kept up. When I first left Port Macquarie I seriously considered turning back. It was nothing short of scary .... and I don't scare easily on roads. But, I soldiered on. We stopped in pouring rain at Ballina for some quick McDonalds and met a lovely local family there - then back on the soggy roads. Yamba was a really special place to stay and I really enjoyed it. I picked a motel that wasn't far from town and, although I planned to go for a walk when I arrived, I couldn't - it just got dark too quickly! We had an easy meal of 2 minute noodles and then I put Eb off to sleep. Next morning we woke to ... yep! more rain. We managed to get a bit of relief while we walked into town (via many, many wonderful fun filled puddles for Eb as you'll see). It was a very special morning actually. We just simply took our time and browsed around town and enjoyed time together. Found a beaut home shop for goodies for www.elevationmtbeauty.com.au .... and then enjoyed a 'Chai Latte' together at the back packers hostel - it was toasty warm and great atmosphere. We finally made it to Brisbane late in the afternoon and ended up going out to dinner with Gra's daugher and son in law. It was so lovely to see him and to see them. We had a lovely evening together.
Then - back on the (very, very wet) road again. This time it was business! I was on a mission to get to Brisbane. We stopped for lunch at Ballina.
1 comment:
All the photos are so gorgeous...
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