3 years ago sweetheart you - a beautiful, scared little girl - was placed in my arms.
My life will never - ever be the same for all the joy you have brought into it.
Time has gone so fast - no longer are you the baby you were on that day. You are a beautiful spirited, happy little 4yo. You are sunshine on a rainy day - you are love and joy on a sad day - you are fun when I'm grumpy....and you help me look forward to the dawning of each new day. Even if my body hurts - as soon as I hear those words 'Mummy' first thing in the morning - I could almost skip my way to your room to hold you close. Your kisses and cuddles recharge my battery. You are the greatest - most wonderful gift. I'll never need another gift now I have you.

Beautiful child, what are you thinking of when you see the world and all it's beauty?
Dear daughter, what do you dream of when you hold your baby doll and pat her back?
Blessed girl, what do you contemplate when you lay your hands down on the table to pray?
What do you know?
What do you remember?
What do you think about most?
If the words could come easily, what would you tell me?
Precious, precious child there is so much swirling and whirling going on in that little head of yours.
I see it in your eyes as you gaze across the ocean
I see it in your eyes when you look right through me
I see it in your eyes when you look right at me.
I want to know if you have figured out the little things.
I want to know if you even know about the bigger things.
I want to know what you are telling me when you babble out a sentence, because I know what you have to say is important.
I want to know if you miss me when I am gone.
I want to know if you trust me.
I want to know if you love me.
And more than anything in the world, I want to know if I am doing you justice.
Beautiful child, I just want to know you more.
I am doing everything I can to show you how much I love being your Mummy. I am in complete awe of you. You are fragile yet strong, vulnerable yet in charge. A little pixie dancing around our home and our lives. Your laughter is so loud that I wonder if people can hear you in our neighborhood. You are a stunning beauty, you draw attention and hold it, you give love and then withhold it. You are an old soul I cannot wait to know better, a hand I love holding every day, a face I can't stop looking at, a dream I just can't believe has come true.