Well – it was time for our second family holiday……we left on Friday 4th April and drove through Elmore and on to Charlton which was where we decided to stay for the night. We chose a Motel right in town and it was really lovely. It was probably fairly old – but it had been renovated really well. We went for a walk, visited a local park, bought some chips and headed back to our room for a glass of red and some sandwiches (which were meant to be lunch) with chips! Eb went to sleep very well and slept through until about 6am the next morning. 
'feeding baby' before we left home

can I help Daddy?
So she loves babies too, huh? Anna adores them! Ebony has the most beautiful hair. Did she get a haircut? Love how it looks. I really wish I could meet up with you in person some day. Who knows, maybe some day.
I caught my VERY fisrt fish in Nelson!!!
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