Celebrating the day my Lord and Saviour was born - that is one of the greatest joys for me. Without the sacrifice He made for me - I wouldn't be who I am today or where I am.
There is also the joy of being surrounded by family..... that is super special to me.
But seeing my daughter open her presents and truly feel the joy of Christmas is something that I've never really experienced before. Last year was very different to this year.
We went to Church and enjoyed a wonderful family style service where there was involvement and fun - perfect for Christmas Day. My Mum, my husband and my daugher all ended up up the front. (Mum and Gra answered the right answers to the questions....Eb just tagged along!).
When we arrived home I decided it would be a good time to get a few family photo's - so that was next. Eb was still very patient (or kinda unaware really).
Then the time came and we opened the presents. Good 'ol me decided the light had to be perfect for the opening of the first 'big' present so ended up stopping Eb whilst I tried to get the light right! poor Eb. She ended up confused and then scared to open her present! Finally she did and she was thrilled. She loved the car and was straight into it......
Then she happily opened the rest of her presents and we opened ours. It was a lovely time - just Pa, Nana, Uncle Tez, Daddy, Mummy and Eb. Being the only child there made it pretty exciting although she became so accustomed to opening presents that she started to want to just open and not stop and enjoy! pretty typical of children I'd say!
Because of the late start to everything we made a last minute decision before Church to have ourselves a Christmas Dinner rather than Lunch. This actually worked really well because it was quite a hot day and the evening was pleasant enough to enjoy our meal outside....and take some lovely end of day photo's.
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