Yes - our dear friends have been allocated a beautiful little girl and we are so totally happy for them. Their journey is the last one I am really following with lots of contact and it seems like it has been such a drawn out wait - but I'm well aware that if I feel like that - I can only imagine how difficult it has been for Tracey. Those who follow my blog may remember that Tracey drove all the way to us from Portland (about 8 hours) to us back September 2007. I had never met Tracey before then and we got on so well and had so much fun during those shared days. I was able to 'share' my darling girl with Tracey in that time and we developed a very special bond. Now we will get to share another wonderful Mum's to very special little girls who have joined their forever family after beginning their lives in a SWI in China. Their little girl turned 2 in March this year, although she is a tiny little dot of a girl. I won’t disclose any more info simply because that is Tracey’s request. Suffice to say that she is just gorgeous and beautiful and I can’t wait to meet her in person and welcome her into our lives…not to mention her precious new family.
As had been done for us, I took this photo and sent it to them to welcome little Amalia!
We pray that the journey to little Amalia happens quickly so she an be united with the family that she so deserves and so do they. Precious little child - you have been blessed with a wonderful family and although your beginnings have been difficult, I know that life home here in Australia will bring you many wonderful opportunities....and lots and LOTS of love! Hurry home Amalia.